Popcorn & Coke — Rewritten by ChatGPT

LJ Kessels
3 min readMar 18, 2023


New series in which I take the premise or plot of my short stories and feed them to #ChatGPT in order to see the different versions of a story one could tell.

Experiment #1 — Popcorn and Coke published in OF ZOOS, Issue 10.1 — SHOW & TELL (December 31st, 2021).

Please read the ChatGPT generated prompt and piece first, and then go and check out the orignal piece written by me for comparison afterwards.

Photo by Giovanny Ayala on Unsplash

Prompt: Write a short story in three parts about artists talking and gossiping and the fleeting nature of chasing moments of reverie.

Part 1:

In the dimly lit café, a group of artists sat huddled together, sipping on their coffee and exchanging stories. They spoke of their latest projects, the struggles they faced, and the triumphs they had achieved. As they chatted, their words grew louder and more animated, and soon their conversation turned to gossip.

One artist leaned in and whispered, “Have you heard about Jane? She’s been working on the same painting for weeks now, and it’s still not done. I think she’s lost her touch.”

The others murmured in agreement, but one spoke up in defense of Jane. “You don’t know what she’s going through. Maybe she’s struggling with something personal. We should be supportive, not judgmental.”

The group fell silent, and the conversation shifted back to their own work. But the words of the artist who defended Jane lingered in the air, reminding them of the fleeting nature of chasing a moment of reverie.

Part 2:

A few days later, the artists gathered once again, this time at an art gallery opening. They sipped champagne and admired the paintings on display, commenting on the technique and style of each piece.

As they mingled with other artists and art enthusiasts, they overheard snippets of conversation that sounded familiar. Gossip about someone’s work being inferior, or someone struggling to find inspiration.

One artist turned to the others and said, “We shouldn’t participate in this kind of talk. It only brings negativity and takes away from the beauty of the art. We should celebrate each other’s successes and support each other through the struggles.”

The others nodded in agreement, and the group continued to enjoy the evening, taking in the art and sharing their own stories of inspiration and perseverance.

Part 3:

Months passed, and the artists continued to meet regularly, always pushing each other to create and innovate. They no longer engaged in gossip or negative talk, choosing instead to focus on the positive aspects of their work and their lives.

As they sat together in the café once again, sipping coffee and exchanging stories, one artist shared a new project that had been inspired by a fleeting moment of reverie.

“I was walking down the street, lost in thought, when I saw something that stopped me in my tracks. It was a simple thing, really, but it sparked an idea that I just had to explore. And now, here it is.”

The others admired the work, and one asked, “How did you capture that moment? How did you make it last?”

The artist smiled and replied, “I didn’t try to capture it. I just let it be what it was, a fleeting moment of inspiration. I accepted that it was ephemeral, and I used it as fuel for my work. That’s what art is all about, isn’t it? Chasing those moments of reverie, no matter how fleeting they may be.”



LJ Kessels

Writer. Philosopher. Cultural Animal. (Dis)functional on a multilingual level.